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Banks Cold Storage Locator Map

Commerce Georgia

Banks Cold Storage is a full service, public refrigerated warehouse operation.

Our expertise in freezing, cooling and tempering enables customers to comfortably focus on their core competencies.

Banks Cold Storage Facility Rendering


Innovative Facility Design By Ti Cold Featuring:

210,000 Sq. Ft.
29,000 Pallet Positions
Very Narrow Aisle (VNA)
Turret Truck Material Handling Equipment
65′ Clear Height
Approximately 35 Dock Doors


Cutting-Edge Refrigeration & Freezing Technology


400+ QFM In-Rack Freezing Systemsâ„¢ Featuring:

Maximized Airflow
Modular Design
Faster Freezing

QFM freezes up to 80% faster than conventional blast

Smarter Technology

QFM starts when a pallet is placed in front of the QFM System

Agile Design

Allows you to adjust for seasonal product freezing fluctuations & Eliminates downtime with no batch freezing

“The Fastest Way to Freeze a Pallet”

Very Narrow Aisle – Man-Up K-Truck

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